Coastal Walkway and Ōtipua Wetlands

Pātītī "Patiti Point" Pātītī Point is located on the South Canterbury coastline at Timaru. Pātītī was a passenger on the Ārai-te-uru waka, which capsized off Matakaea on the North Otago Coastline. After the capsize, many of the passengers went ashore to explore the land. However, they needed to be back at the waka before daylight. Most did not make it, including Pātītī, and instead were transformed into many of the well-known landmarks of Te Waipounamu. In 1880, Hoani Kāhu from Arowhenua described Pātītī as “he kāinga nohoanga, mahinga kai, and he tauraka a waka” -

Te Motumotu "Mutumutu Point" Te Motumotu is the correct spelling for Mutu Mutu Point on the coastline south of Timaru. In 1880, Hoani Kāhu from Arowhenua recorded that Te Motumotu was an awa (river) and tauraka waka (waka landing site). The foods gathered here included pipi, pāua, kina and kāeo. -