Let’s celebrate what Timaru and our region has to offer with a bit of free fun! Take this handout and a crayon with you and see if you can collect all of the brass rubbing sites in Timaru and across the Region!
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Rubbing Plaques in Timaru
LIGHTHOUSE - 1879-1970 LOCATION: Top of Benvenue Cliffs. Depicts Blackett’s Lighthouse which began life on the cliff tops adjacent to The Terrace in Timaru. The lighthouse has been on its current site since 2010.
SHIPWRECKS 1882 LOCATION: Top of Benvenue Cliffs. Depicts the city of Perth. The Ben Venue and City of Perth broke loose from their moorings in 1882.
WHALING TRY POT 1830 LOCATION: Beside the rose bushes near the public toilets. This is the path leading into the Bay from the Bay Hill Viaduct. Depicts the Whaling Trypot used by early whalers who visited Timaru in the 1830's and operated from near this site.
STRATHALLAN 1859 LOCATION: On the lawn terrace above the Sound Shell seating. Depicts the Strathallan, one of the first immigrant ships to bring 120 settlers to Timaru.
ROCKET BRIGADE 1880 LOCATION: At the bottom of the The Terrace footbridge and shows the rocket brigade that used to operate in poor weather to warn ships of local reefs prior to the lighthouse being constructed. Used in the early to mid-1880s. The equipment saved 100 lives.
SOUND SHELL 1937 LOCATION: Near the carpark on Marine Parade adjacent to the skating rink and shows the Sound Shell which has hosted Carnival concerts and other events since is was built in 1937.
HECTOR’S DOLPHIN LOCATION: At the bottom of the South Canterbury Museum steps on Perth St. Hector’s Dolphin is found in the coastal water off Timaru and South Canterbury and is now endangered.
Rubbing Plaques in the Region
PLEASANT POINT: At the Pleasant Point Museum and Railway
RAINCLIFF: At the Raincliff Historic Reserve
RAKAIA: Opposite the Rakaia Four Square, Railway Terrace, Rakia Village
TEMUKA: At the Richard Pearse Memorial Car Park, Waitohi.
FYI, these sites were in the original hunt 20 years ago, but now no longer exist: ASHBURTON: Outside the Ashburton Information Centre, East Street, FAIRLIE: On the forecourt of the MacKenzie District Council Building, GERALDINE: Outside the Geraldine Museum, Cox Street, METHVEN: On the Village Green, Methven Township, MOUNT COOK: Outside the National Park Headquarters, Mt SOMERS: LOCATION: Outside the Restaurant, Mount Somers, TEMUKA: At the Richard Pearse Memorial Car Park, Waitohi, TWIZEL: At the Boulder Fountain, in the Market Place. Brass Rubbings originated in the Middle Ages (476 AD) in the United Kingdom. 20 years ago, Mt Cook Marketing Ltd established a Passport to the region to improve the awareness of our tourist spots and attractions.